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Marrying the Marine-epub Page 3
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Page 3
She leaned over and gave her father’s forehead a peck. “Is smothered pork chops with yellow rice and green beans okay for dinner?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that whatever you fix for dinner is okay with me? You don’t ever have to cook again another day in your life as far as I’m concerned. Lord, girl, you work hard just like your momma, my sweet Sugar, used to.”
Her heart warmed inside her chest as she remembered her mother’s hard work ethics. “I don’t mind cooking. It’s important to me that you and Drew get a good meal every day.” She slid her hand in the back pocket of her jeans, retrieved a black elastic band, and pulled her hair into a tight ponytail. “Where’s Drew?”
“He’s in his bedroom doing his homework. He wanted to go to the community center and play football, but I told him to get his work done first.”
“That reminds me, I need to go online and check his grades.”
“He’s gone be grounded if they’re bad is all I’m gone say.” Kane rolled his chair to the other side of the kitchen, picked up his carton of cigarettes, and lit one. “Call me when dinner’s ready.” Puffing on the cigarette, he wheeled out of the kitchen.
God, I wish he’d stop smoking. Sandella poured brown gravy over the pork chops. While the green beans simmered in bacon and onion inside the pot on the stove, she decided to go check on her baby brother, her heart, Drew.
As she walked down the dull narrow hallway toward Drew’s bedroom, a vision of Braylon’s masculine face and full sexy lips invaded her mind. She really wanted to accept his invitation to go out on a date with him, but the point would be moot. Her father would never in a million years accept her relationship with him. Because of the strong, close relationship she had with her overbearing dad, she had to find a man that he’d accept.
Growing frustrated over the thought, she huffed. Braylon wouldn’t stand a chance with Dad. Because of what happened to Momma, he despises Marines. He’d probably disown me. Or die of heartbreak. If I accepted Braylon’s date, he’d feel like I betrayed the family.
Sorrow dredged up inside her heart as she rounded the corner into Drew’s room. Drew sat on the bed with his legs crossed, surrounded by thick textbooks. Admiring his studious behavior, she smiled, then entered. “Hey there...how was your day?” She lowered herself next to him on the bed.
Drew peered up at her then back down at his homework. “I’m just trying to figure out this math problem. Dang, Sandy…this mess is hard.” He bit down on the eraser of his pencil.
“Let me take a look at the problem.” She hefted the algebra textbook into her lap. “What number?”
“Number thirteen.”
At first the problem on the page looked foreign to her, but finally she was able to show him how to do it. Now that all of his homework was complete, he smiled. “Thanks, Sandy.” Drew jumped off the bed, pulled back the door of his closet, and grabbed his football from the shelf.
She stood, fists on hips. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m going to play football at the community center.” Drew shuffled the football in his hands. “Bye.” He hastened out the room, down the hallway, toward the front door.
“Come back before it gets dark,” she said, following him.
With his football still in his hand, Drew dashed past Kane as he sat on the front porch smoking his lungs away. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked Drew as the boy descended the steps. “Stop right there, goddamn it!”
Drew stopped dead in his tracks when his feet hit the ground. He turned to face his father. “Sandy said I could go and play football as long as I come back before dark.”
“You’re not going anywhere. Now get back in the house. I’m the daddy, and what I say goes,” Kane grumbled.
Sandella knew Kane’s reasoning for not wanting Drew to go had everything to do with the company he kept. He hated the fact that his closest friends’ fathers and mothers were in the Marines. Something had to give. After meeting Braylon, she’d had even more of a change of heart.
Here we go. A loud squeak resounded through the air when Sandella pushed the screen door open. Holding on to the frame, she glanced down at her father. “He’s finished with his homework, Dad. Please…let him go.”
Pinning Drew with a harsh glare, Kane rubbed circles over his beard. “Lord Jesus. My own daughter barking rules like she’s the parent. What is this world coming to?”
Drew’s mouth broke into a smile. “So can I go? Please, Dad, please.”
Kane took a long slow drag of his cigarette, then blew the smoke out through his nose. “Go ahead and go, boy. But if those thugs start talking all that nonsense about you joining the Marines again, you better bring your behind home. And I better not catch you visiting none of them Marines’ houses, either. Do you understand?”
Sandella sighed. It’d been a year since Drew had been caught over at Lieutenant Miller’s home and her father still felt the need to bring it up every other day. “He knows that, Dad.”
Drew tossed the ball up in the air then caught it. “Don’t worry. I won’t listen to anything those idiots have to say!” He beamed with excitement. “I’m not going to be a Marine. I’m going to be a lawyer just like Drake Wexler!” He took off running down the street.
Kane slapped his thigh. “Hot damn…now we’re talking!” Chortling, he slid the cigarette butt back between his chapped lips.
The mere mention of all this military stuff caused Braylon’s name to linger around the edges of Sandella’s mind. Turning blindly, she bumped into the door and stumbled.
“Watch out there now!” Kane’s voice rose. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Dad. Just peachy keen.” She straightened her stance. I’d be even better if you stopped criticizing Marines all the time. She opened the door and heard the timer on the stove bleeping. The Mexican corn bread is ready. She glanced back over her shoulder. “Dinner is ready whenever you are.”
As she made her way into the kitchen sensual thoughts of the fine Braylon flooded her mind. He’d looked as handsome as ever when he’d smiled at her at the table this morning. His cologne had smelled rich, like oranges and pines. The thin fabric shirt he’d worn had revealed the solid muscles of his ripped chest.
Sandella pulled a plate from the cupboard and sighed. I think I’m going to be in trouble if I keep hanging around Braylon. Although he was away in Hilton Head, he had a serious effect on her brain.
HEAVY FOG SATURATED the morning air, making it difficult for Sandella to see as she drove along the winding road leading to the Wexlers’ estate. She flicked on her bright lights, then changed the station from light sounds to an urban station. A pretty love song by Jennifer Hudson filled her ears, sending her to thoughts to Braylon.
Nibbling her bottom lip, she imagined him kissing her. I have to stay away from him. As good as he looked he probably was a two-timing playboy.
She pulled up in the driveway, then brought the car to a complete stop. Ready to start her day, she opened the car door. Just as her feet hit the pavement, the front door flung open, and Willa came running out the house toward her.
Thinking something horrible had happened, Sandella’s stomach knotted. Dear God, I hope no one died. She hurried up the length of the driveway and met Willa halfway.
Breathing erratically, Willa palmed Sandella’s shoulders. “Let me,” she swallowed, “catch my breath.” Her big boobs heaved up and down.
As Willa stood grappling for her next breath, Drake stalked outside carrying two suitcases. “Go get your purse, Willa. I don’t have all day.” He came to a stop in front of them.
“Don’t rush me.” She rolled her eyes at Drake. “This is the third time your mother has pretended to be dying!”
Drake looked heavenward. “She’s not pretending this time, Willa. Fred said she’s really sick. They even had to take her to the hospital.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if her mean behind died and came back,” Willa snapped. She then directe
d her attention back to Sandella. “Anyway, Sandella, darling…I have a big favor to ask of you.”
“Just name it, Willa.”
“Drake’s mother is terribly ill. If it’s not a bother, I need you to stay here with Royce until we get back from North Carolina.”
Sandella’s eyes honed in on the guest cottage where Braylon was probably sleeping. Suddenly, a light clicked on in his bedroom. Oh God, no. I can’t be alone with him. “I don’t mind keeping Royce overnight, but if it’s okay with you, I’d like to take him back to my house.”
Shaking her head wildly, Willa threw her hands up. “No offense, Sandella. But he hates going to your house, or anybody’s house for that matter. Remember what happened the last time he went home with you? He and your father both had a hissy fit.”
“But, but, but I think it’ll—”
Willa grabbed her wrist, and slapped a wad of cash in her opened hand. “That’s a little bonus for your troubles. Thanks,” she said, gently patting her cheek.
Sandella spied the several one-hundred-dollar bills lying in her palm. “Willa, this is too much. You don’t have to pay me anything extra.”
“Oh, yes I do.” She put her mouth to Sandella’s ear and through clenched teeth whispered, “If that old bat pulls the same little stunt she did last time, God only knows how long it’ll take Drake to realize his mother is playing him for a fool. The woman loves attention.”
“Stop talking and go get your purse,” Drake muttered, easing into the Bentley behind the steering wheel.
“Okay, okay, okay. I’m hurrying.” Willa rushed back inside the house to grab her purse and quickly returned to where Sandella was still standing, baffled. “Oh yeah, by the way, don’t forget Adam’s three-week vacation started today.”
That’s right, Adam’s gone too. Sandella’s mouth parted then snapped shut. “So I’ll be here with Braylon all by myself?” The fine Marine.
Willa’s lips curved upward. “Yes, you will. Braylon is as sweet as they come, darling. He won’t bother you at all. And if you need anything he’d be more than willing to oblige.” Willa patted her shoulder.
Drake cranked the engine. The passenger side window rolled down. “Let’s go, Willa!” he bellowed. “You’re taking your sweet time as if my mother isn’t important.”
“Call me if you need me.” Willa jumped in the car and shut the door.
Sandella stood in the center of the curved driveway watching the Bentley drive off into the thick, unrelenting fog. Finally, the red taillights disappeared into the early morning darkness. She turned on her heels, and as she strode toward the house, the guest cottage’s door flung open.
Braylon stepped out onto the porch, shirtless. “Is everything out here okay?” he questioned, stalking toward her like a tall fearless knight, fog rustling against the flexed muscles of his bare flesh.
Her heart clenched as he closed in on her. Overwhelmed by his powerful presence, her knees weakened. She bowed her head, looking at the cold concrete. We’re going to be all alone indefinitely. Oh boy.
His bare feet came to a stop in front of her. She’d always heard men with big feet had giant private parts. Desire coursed through her veins like boiling liquid.
Starting with his feet, her gaze slowly traveled up the length of his body, then clung to the deep cuts on his firm, beefy torso.
Tempted to reach out and touch his beaded nipples, her hand itched with hot need. Considering she’d never been with a man before, her sensual desire for him surprised her.
“An emergency came up with Drake’s mother so he and Willa had to leave. She said she didn’t want to wake you and she’d call later to fill you in.”
“Oh, I see. Grandma told me yesterday that Adam was going on vacation so it’s just you, me, and Royce. Have you given any more thought to that date I asked you on?”
“Umm. Well—”
He touched a finger to her chin, tilting her head. His hazel eyes glittered. Chemistry sizzled between them. “I’m glad you decided to take me up on my offer. You and Royce be ready by twelve,” he stated, answering for her.
Braylon’s take-charge attitude and constant persistence turned her on. Saliva gathered in her mouth. Kiss me. Kiss me. “Okay.” Like a schoolgirl with her first crush, she whirled and practically scuttled for the main house. When she reached the doorway, she turned, and then paused, taking in his dominating physique.
As the ball of morning sun rose behind the oaks, the wispy fog surrounding Braylon started to dissipate. Smiling, he said, “I could move inside the main house with you until they get back, if you want me too.”
Oh God, no! “No thanks. I’ll be fine,” she said, slamming the door by accident. With her back slumped against the heavy wooden door, she draped an arm over her forehead to collect her frenzied thoughts. Left here with a Marine, a fine one at that…why is this happening?
Her father’s deep voice charged into her brain, causing her jaws to tighten. He’d once said, “I hope you use the sense that God gave you…never get involved with a damn Marine. They’re rapists and rotten-ass dogs, Sandy.” Kane had said the ill words on too many occasions for her to even count.
With Kane’s voice ringing over and over inside her head, she ascended the staircase. Reaching the top, she turned left, and headed inside Royce’s room.
Sandella smiled down at Royce as he lay in bed on his side with his eyes closed. She grazed his freckled cheeks with her knuckles. “Time to get up, sleepyhead.”
Royce stirred and his eyes fluttered open. He stretched long arms and legs beneath the navy comforter, then sat upright. He yawned. “Morning time!” He flung his feet to the floor and scurried inside the bathroom.
While Royce was in the bathroom, she made the bed. After placing the big fluffy pillows against the headboard, she walked over to the oblong mirror sitting in front of the window. “Who are you?” she asked herself, realizing she hadn’t been living. Of course she was alive, but alive and living were two different things.
Her brothers, Aric, Chandler, and Drew, had been right. She’d lived under her father’s control for way too long, had distanced herself from every man in the area because he’d ordered her to do so. It was high time she stopped acting as if she was Daddy’s little girl and behaved like the adult woman she was. Things were about to change. So whether Kane liked it or not, she was going to go out with Braylon and make an effort to enjoy herself. After everything she’d given up to raise her brothers, she deserved to finally have some fun.
She observed her plain face without any makeup and her simple appearance in the mirror. Braylon seems mighty, mighty fun. Maybe I should try spicing myself up a little.
After Royce brushed his teeth, he walked over to the chair next to the mirror and sat. “Finished,” he said, wringing his hands in his lap.
“Let’s see,” she said, pulling open the accordion doors of his closet. “You and I have a date today so we have to look nice.”
Royce smiled. “Date. Date.”
“Yes. We have a date with your nephew Braylon.”
“Br…Br..” Royce attempted to but couldn’t quite get the words out.
“Braylon.” She lay a white Polo shirt and a pair of navy jeans on the bed for him. “When you’re finished dressing, comb your hair, and come downstairs for breakfast.”
Royce said, “I like clothes.”
“I’m going downstairs to do the laundry.” She left the room, smiling, and wondered where Braylon was taking them for lunch.
After Sandella separated the laundry, she stood at the stove whisking batter for the red velvet pancakes Royce always thoroughly enjoyed. Although Royce was a grown man, and was far older, he seemed more like a brother to her. Probably because Willa treated her like a daughter.
She removed the nonstick pan from beneath the counter then placed it on the stove. While she waited for it to get hot, she strolled over by the dinette table and glanced out the window. The morning sun now shone brightly over the backyard and glistened
down on the river. Willa’s next-door neighbor, Fred, walked along the wooden dock, taking in the morning. A minute later, he entered his boat parked on the other side across from Drake’s yacht.
What is Braylon doing? Remembering how close Braylon had stood to her earlier this morning, her body tingled. She made her way back over to the stove and poured one-fourth of the sweet-scented pancake mixture into the frying pan. The top of the batter bubbled quickly. Using a spatula, she flipped it over.
When she pivoted to turn on the laptop sitting on the counter behind her, she noticed a present wrapped in glittery silver paper and tied with a big pink bow. I wonder who this is for?
The tiny envelope beneath the bow had her name on it. For me? Willa shouldn’t have. She hefted the pretty package to her ear and shook it. She then put a finger under the back of the envelope, slitting it open.
Clenching the card in her hands, she began to read.
My Dearest Sandella,
While looking through the albums in the library the other day, I came across some pictures of you and your family. Grandma and Adam told me that the photos were important to you, so I decided to make you a present. When I first laid eyes on you my heart smiled. I hope your heart is now smiling, too.
I’m glad we met,
Sandella’s heart swelled with joy. Anxious to see what was inside the square box, her fingers pulled loose the shimmery paper. She lifted the lid and set it aside. Inside the box was a small pink photo album.
She flipped open the first page. Her heart ticked softly as she marveled over the black and white photo of her grandmother. I forgot Willa had this picture. Oh Braylon, this is too much, she thought, flipping to the second page.
Her heart strummed like a violin when she laid eyes on the picture of her mother, the love of her father’s life. Long black hair, medium brown eyes, Sandella knew she looked just like Sugar in this picture. A smile took over her lips as she turned to the last page to find a photo of herself standing by the river in Willa’s backyard.